Other Phonographs Continued
Updated: January 15, 2020
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Kreusi Phonograph, (December, 1877) (Replica of 1994 by Mike Stehlik)This is a replica of the very first Tinfoil Phonograph. There is only one
original which is at the Edison Historical Site in West Orange, New Jersey.
The replica is No. 18 of 30 produced by Stehlik.
Edison Eclipse, 1903
(Restored by Steve Farmer, 2010)
Herzog Disc Record Cabinet Premier Piano Phonograph
Sonora Supreme, 1917 (Original Price: $1,000)
Sonora Supreme Matching Record Cabinet
Sonora Louis XV DeLuxe, c. 1920
Pathe Menstrel, c. 1904
German Lyre and Mermaid Puck Talking Machines, c. 1906
Mikiphone (2 Views), c. 1930
Mira Music Box (2 Views), c. 1903
Stroh Viol (Concert Model)Used for Recording
Pathe Jeunesse, 1914
Harvard Talking Machine, c. 1907
Lawyer Style Record Cabinet